answer = 0
arr = [input() for _ in range(12)]
for i in range(12) :
arr[i] = list(arr[i])
def bfs(i, j, visited) :
target = arr[i][j]
q = [[i,j]]
dirs = [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,1],[0,-1]]
ret = [[i,j]]
while q :
y ,x = q.pop(0)
for dir in dirs:
nextY, nextX = y+dir[0], x+dir[1]
if nextX >=0 and nextX < 6 and nextY >=0 and nextY < 12 and arr[nextY][nextX] == target and not visited[nextY][nextX]:
visited[nextY][nextX] = True
q.append([nextY, nextX])
ret.append([nextY, nextX])
return ret
def ppuyo(nums) :
for i, j in nums :
arr[i][j] = '0'
def downBlock():
# arr 에서 0 확인
for x in range(6):
count = 0
for y in range(11,-1,-1):
if arr[y][x] == '0' :
count += 1
if count > 0 :
cur = 11
for y in range(11,-1,-1):
if arr[y][x] != '0':
arr[cur][x] = arr[y][x]
cur -= 1
for y in range(cur, -1, -1):
arr[y][x] = '.'
# for i in arr:
# print(i)
loop = True
while loop :
loop = False
visited = [[False for _ in range(6)] for _ in range(12)]
for i in range(12) :
for j in range(6) :
if arr[i][j] != '.' and not visited[i][j]:
visited[i][j] = True
numArr = bfs(i, j,visited)
if len(numArr) >= 4:
loop = True
if loop :
answer += 1
시간제한은 1초이나 딱히 오래 걸릴만한건 없는듯하다
4개 이상 붙어있는거 찾아서 없애기, 중력에 따라 블록 내리기만 잘 해주면 된다.
터진 블록갯수가 아니고 연쇄작용이 몇번 일어났는지가 답이다. 이거땜에 한 20분 날린거같다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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